
What we do

Renewed Humanism: An Evolved Perspective

The Club of Florence engages in a multifaceted network of endeavours which harmoniously work towards establishing preeminent authority in shaping opinions and generating ideas on the diverse global issues we address. These activities are organised into three primary domains: events, services, and research activities, all dedicated to fostering leadership development.

The development plan for these activities revolves around a meticulously crafted three-year (2024-2026) strategy aligned with the objectives outlined by our scientific and technical panel.

Leadership in Action

The Club of Florence serves as a catalyst for positive transformation, cultivating a fertile ground for the growth of innovative ideas and exceptional leadership. Our esteemed “Renewed Humanism Award” celebrates the leaders in different disciplines and walks of life who redefine the status quo and inspire others to follow. Parallel to this, our Scientific Committees continually generate breakthrough ideas, produce engaging content, and provide industry-specific advice. Through these initiatives, we acknowledge exceptional contributions, ignite the spirit of innovation, and drive meaningful action within our communities.


Our suite of Advisory Services equips our members with a stimulating environment to explore potential ‘Net Zero’ strategies or addressing other UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our Advisory Services are customized to meet client objectives, ranging from comprehensive “Senior Executive Sessions to “Strategy Development Sessions”. In every case, we are committed to fostering well-informed decision-making processes at the senior leadership level. This commitment empowers our members to lead their organizations with confidence to navigate the complex environment and with a firm understanding of sustainable business practices.


At the core of our operations lies an unwavering commitment to social betterment, underscored by our support for initiatives that uplift communities and nurture the environment.  A testament to this commitment is our valued partnership with the Cooperative ‘I ragazzi di Sipario’.  Together, we are empowering young caterers with intellectual disabilities, reflecting our dedication to inclusivity and broadening the scope of possibilities. This partnership illustrates our vision to drive meaningful change, fostering an environment where every individual can thrive.